(2005), one-volume biography, notable for its modesty and for its grasp of finances as well as politics.
We learn why in Willard Sterne Randall's welcome one-volume biography, "Thomas Jefferson: A Life."
A sound and readable one-volume biography.
A sound one-volume biography.
A sound and accessible popular one-volume biography.
First, there is really no satisfactory way of dealing with Sartre's monumental oeuvre except in depth; no one-volume biography could do this.
Frank Brady's "Citizen Welles" remains the most reliable one-volume biography (despite nearly 20 years of subsequent research), but is out of print.
Sparks eventually published eleven volumes of Washington's writings, together with a one-volume biography.
The one-volume biography of Lincoln for this generation will be David Herbert Donald's, coming this fall from Simon & Schuster.
However unexpected, this enormous book is also one of the best one-volume biographies of Roosevelt yet.