Altogether, this is a sweeping, fast-moving story, smoothly readable, broader in scope than many one-volume histories of the war.
But he also brings to his subject a vitality that can't be matched, as far as I know, in any of the professional one-volume histories.
His book Lone Star Rising has been called "the best one-volume history of the Texas revolution yet written".
This one-volume history of the Civil War "may actually be the best ever published.
"In my judgment, this is the best one-volume history of the United States ever written."
His one-volume history of art has long been standard reading for the student of the subject.
The Pulitzer Prize-winning one-volume history of the war.
In 1952 he published Australia, a one-volume general history of Australia which became a standard work for some years.
"Gettysburg" is the best one-volume history of the decisive battle of the Civil War.
There is no published one-volume history of Kingsway Hall.