The largest single day of bridge traffic saw 72,249 private and commercial vehicles cross the bridge one-way on November 29, 1998.
It is a one-way bridge carrying road traffic from the 13th arrondissement to the 12th arrondissement.
Unlike the invisible bridge or the one-way bridge.
It is a narrow, one-way historic bridge.
The old nagual told don Juan that the one-way bridge from silent knowledge to reason was called "concern."
And the other one-way bridge, from reason to silent knowledge, was called "pure understanding."
Many have cited the one-way bridge as unsafe, yet it is heavily trafficked every day, mainly by commuters on their way to school.
It seems to be a limited talent, one-way, like the one-way bridge across the Chasm.
The stallion had stopped at the brink of the Gap Chasm, too nervous to trust the one-way bridge.
The bus station, the diversion of the A6, and the one-way bridge were all incorporated into the plan which was approved.