It is this which forces nerve messages to travel along a one-way route despite the ability of nerve processes to carry the impulse either way.
These routes require significant deadheading (particularly on the one-way routes), as well as a very large part-time labor force, both of which drive up costs.
The one-way route to the top.
Because of the very high potential boat speeds, iceboat race courses are established around fixed marks which are to be rounded in a one-way route.
Primarily a one-way route.
It was sometimes called the Gateway to the West, and some people joked that it was a one-way route.
In 1983, two multi-lane one-way routes were designated through Davenport starting at the northern city limits.
The northward flow of guns on Interstate 95 is a one-way route, the study found.
The one-way route of the roc was the only approach.
The study's suggestions included turning Main Street into a one-way route and improving bicycle and pedestrian access.