"I'm actually mounting a one-woman campaign to restore it," Kat informed her, her chin outthrust defiantly.
For 50 years, Weisenfeld was a one-woman campaign to increase funding for eye research, despite losing her own vision and having no scientific training.
The creator was Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia, who mounted a one-woman letter-writing campaign to lawmakers, editors and heads of state after her mother died in 1905.
Her one-woman campaign in support of "The Glass Menagerie," which had its premiere in Chicago in 1944, helped establish Tennessee Williams's career.
Ding launched a one-woman campaign to establish what had happened to her son and those who were killed that night.
She's conducting a one-woman campaign to steal her well-heeled boss (Chester Morris) away from his conventional wife.
In recent months, she has waged a one-woman public campaign to keep his name current, his memory alive.
Writing press releases often seemed less important to Lindauer than her own one-woman campaign to advance the cause of nonviolence in the Muslim world.
Amid the suburban tracts, Mrs. Nelson is a one-woman campaign to keep young imaginations reading and flourishing.
Fearing that her husband was to be made a scapegoat by history, Libbie launched a one-woman campaign to rehabilitate her husband's image.