To fill the chair in the principal's office, schools are often making one-year appointments, twisting the arms of veteran teachers or turning to not-so-recent retirees.
Membership on the council is generally a one-year appointment.
In 1998, he undertook a one-year special appointment at the World Bank with a focus on international development financing.
Instead, he gave both one-year appointments to the Civil Court, which is usually given new judges as a probationary appointment.
Between 1951 and 1973, the King Chair was regularly held as a one-year visiting appointment.
In January 1903 he accepted the post for, at his own suggestion, a one-year appointment only.
The system added its first student regent - a one-year appointment that does not carry voting rights - in February 2006.
The one-year appointment carries a $35,000 stipend from private funds and an office in the library.
After the interim, one-year appointment, the Republican Party wanted him to seek a full term, hoping for endorsement from the other parties as well.
Initially a one-year appointment, it was subsequently extended to two.