Virginia has particularly onerous rules: Mitt Romney and Ron Paul are the only nominees on the ballot.
The most onerous rule requires petitions to include every signer's election, ward and Assembly-district number.
The fear is that the S.E.C. will gain a toehold and then impose unduly onerous rules.
These onerous new rules will prevent many poor people from claiming the credit.
Mr. Bush says states should have the opportunity to commingle money from the various programs and to bypass onerous federal rules.
However, consolidation regimes can include onerous rules and regulations.
Rather, onerous rules imposed by international lending institutions during a debt restructuring demanded privatization and forbade the electric system from building new capacity.
A half dozen more have adopted slightly less onerous rules adapted from the original.
The funds must not, of course, remain unused owing to superfluous bureaucracy or onerous rules and procedures.
But, he added, "we are growing weary of dealing with the A.B.C. and these onerous rules.