Only that you go to your onetime friend and ask his opinion of a strange event.
It was a showdown between longtime coaches and onetime friends that people in Lebanon say had been building for years.
Shell is then both after the money and out to get revenge on his onetime friends who have caused his father's death.
He'd considered writing to others among his onetime friends, or to the other members of his family, but decided not to.
Sarah smiled when she saw her onetime friend.
But both characters follow the same path in rejecting their onetime friend and leader, the doctor.
One was the wife of a onetime friend named Judge James Harkess.
Jackie seems more genuinely troubled by the loss of a onetime friend who has been twisting herself into an Alpha Girl.
Heinsenberg and his onetime friends, after a few bruisiing encounters, elected silence.
At first, she barely acknowledged her onetime friend and interpreter.