The Fischman family regrets the passing of our onetime leader and longtime friend Arnold Bergson.
And the presence of Parcells cannot be minimized as the Patriots face their onetime leader.
A onetime leader of the conservative movement who preached a return to the gold standard, Mr. Crane is less visible these days in Washington.
He had also written about the personal life of Chiang Kai-shek, the onetime Nationalist Chinese leader.
Burya Rubenstein, a onetime revolutionary leader sent to Rochard's World for 20 years of internal exile.
It's a kind of political melodrama that brings four 60's radicals, now middle-aged and "reformed," back together to rescue their onetime leader from a Mexican jail.
She heard fights breaking out between Morrison's steadfast supporters and those who felt betrayed by their onetime leader.
He was a founding member and onetime leader of the Communist Party of Italy.
Mr. Seger's father was a onetime big-band leader who quit music to work in a factory.
A onetime intransigent Protestant leader, he has been transformed in recent years into a persuasive deal broker within his quarrelsome party.