Soon Orb was out in the world again, turning pages from one region to another, helpless to reverse the ongoing disaster.
I made this video to keep awareness of the ongoing disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.
Then she could go back downstairs and deal with the ongoing assorted disasters without snapping at Sergei again.
Still, the ongoing disaster was only indistinctly visible from Titan's current orbit, hundreds of kilometers above the surface.
To many of us, Sudan means one thing - the ongoing disaster called Darfur.
Your poor Arendia's an ongoing disaster, and disasters have a way of spreading.
She felt supremely ineffective, in the midst of an ongoing disaster.
The unfortunate Haas had to give up sand painting - probably due to the ongoing disasters with his pictures.
Our coverage is still largely focussed to the ongoing disaster and the plight of the survivors.
Needless to say, I think this is an ongoing disaster for Scotland's economy and culture.