She wrote two essays on collection, and contributed to an ongoing discourse on fieldwork, proposing that the way she interviewed produced material uncorrupted by cautious retelling or embellishment.
Through this process of forming a dialog between theorists with different viewpoints on communication "communication theory can fully engage with the ongoing practical discourse (or metadiscourse) about communication in society."
Joseph Harris agrees with Porter, maintaining that writing is community-driven and noting that the purpose in writing is drawn from "being part of some ongoing discourse."
The term brings a higher degree of specificity to the ongoing discourse in psychological literature concerning the importance of empathy and relatedness.
Granted, we no longer have an absolute but a constitutional monarch - yet the core objections, those finer points in what is a very real and ongoing discourse remain.
In an ongoing discourse, Cárdenas told the agents that he would shoot them if they did not surrender.
Lynch has maintained the Network Research weblog since 2006 as a means of creating ongoing discourse on a wide variety of artistic uses of networks.
Antonis Danos "Nikolaos Gyzis's The Secret School and an ongoing national discourse".
Generally working within an established framework, the artist run centre is now charged with understanding and challenging ongoing contemporary discourse.
Barker's earliest work, Poetical Recreations (1688), can be viewed as a part of an ongoing social discourse.