The Commissions efforts will be informed by ongoing engagement with state and local government leaders.
Wierson is said to have declined the invitation due to "ongoing engagements in Angola."
Building capacity for ongoing engagement and implementation of programs and policies related to the decision-making process.
Research has shown that civic education and early participation in elections creates a habit of ongoing engagement.
The plan will be related to ongoing engagement of education stakeholders and audiences nationwide and dependent on Agency agreements, resources, and policies.
If those people carry that energy into an ongoing political engagement and activism, that will have brought about a significant shift in American and international politics.
This established the basis for ongoing engagement with Lynden and its collection.
The Delivery lead congratulated a number of departments for their ongoing engagement and the quality of the data.
We need to make the ongoing European engagement in the Sahel more coherent, more coordinated and more effective.
This was the beginning of the collective's ongoing engagement with the contemporary art world which has resulted in a collection of often highly compelling installation work.