Whiteread exhibits an ongoing examination of the physical body's contact with the space it occupies and the objects it comes across.
Simon says that his principal interest is politics, and he describes Treme as part of an ongoing examination into the state of the American city, which began with The Wire.
Dr. Houk maintains that the reversal was the logical outgrowth of the ongoing examination of scientific data.
His work is concerned with an ongoing examination of the transformation of modes of historical avant-gardism into the present.
Senator Dole concluded that he fully supported the "ongoing examination of the important issues raised by the Mexico situation" by the Senate Banking Committee, of which Mr. D'Amato is chairman.
F.H.E.O's ongoing examination of Freddie Mac's accounting and management practices," Armando Falcon Jr., director for the oversight agency, said in a statement yesterday.
In the four detached rear dwellings, Thompson has continued her ongoing examination of appropriate housing models by creating street elevations that act as literal sections of their interior volumes.
We will consider it, together with other elements in the ongoing examination of this topic.
It troubles me that I don't see an ongoing examination of how or why athletics furthers the academic values of the college.