The ongoing inflammation may limit the mobility of affected joints.
The most popular theory is that the body's immune system reacts to a virus or a bacterium by causing ongoing inflammation in the intestine.
The ongoing inflammation caused by rheumatoid arthritis affects the tissues that line joints.
Most people with asthma also have ongoing inflammation in their airways.
Chronic pancreatitis is ongoing inflammation of the pancreas.
Repeated or ongoing inflammation of it causes stiffening and thickening and prevents the heart from expanding normally to pump.
Inflammatory bowel disease, an ongoing inflammation of the intestines that can cause abdominal pain and frequent diarrhea.
The disease may continue to get worse for many years after stopping smoking due to this ongoing inflammation.
HIV-1 infection causes chronic ongoing inflammation and production of reactive oxygen species.
What it is: In people with RA, the ongoing inflammation doubles a person's risk for heart disease and stroke.