He stated that "Armenia's destructive policies and its non-constructive stance in the negotiations have been the main reason for the ongoing instability.
Shortly thereafter, local Muslims and Croatians became adversaries due to competing territorial ambitions and ongoing political instability.
With the continuing expiration of land leases and ongoing instability in the aftermath of another coup in 2000, a further outflow of skilled workers has taken place.
That tempting proximity would ensure ongoing instability and violence.
For higher grade tears of the MCL with ongoing instability, the MCL can be sutured or replaced.
The weaker export performance no doubt reflects ongoing instability in the euro area, our biggest export market, and its knock-on impact on prospects for the real economy.
This rebellion, and ongoing political instability, sapped Sudirman of much of his remaining strength.
Louis the German now devised a plan to solve the ongoing instability in Lower Pannonia by making Pribina himself the new client ruler of that region.
The War on Terrorism has seen controversies over civil liberties, accusations of torture, continued terrorist attacks and ongoing instability, violence, and military occupation.
Despite the ongoing instability, Indonesia's June 1999 elections were largely a joyous celebration of democracy.