A Declaration of Beliefs and Visions was the catalyst that launched the ongoing, comprehensive restructuring of HISD.
It has recently been closed as part of the ongoing restructuring of US forces in Europe.
But one hopes that the regulators will look very hard at this deal, and try to move the ongoing restructuring of the airline industry in a direction that preserves at least some effective competition.
As part of ongoing restructuring during the 1990s, Quantel decided to outsource support of legacy products to a separate company Effect Systems.
In this capacity, she was responsible for implementing the ongoing restructuring in the Departments of Peacekeeping Operations and of Field Support.
"The redemption is a key element in the corporation's ongoing restructuring," USX's chairman, David M. Roderick, said.
Due to the ongoing restructuring, the league had only 10 clubs (expanded to 12 the next season as three clubs were relegated from the Premier League and only one promoted).
This dual structure has been recently seen as a somewhat useless allocation of resources and could be removed in ongoing organisational restructuring.
So, too, is the ongoing restructuring of the agriculture sector.
The question of creating new forms of job organization given the current ongoing social restructuring touches three basic dimensions: