The bus was not in Gaza" was about the ongoing strife in the Middle East.
The two tribes were very hostile and their proximity to one another brought ongoing strife.
Finding an adequate building for the archaeological collection had been a matter of ongoing strife between Reuvens, the trustees of the museum and the Dutch government.
Initially I attributed our relationship's ongoing strife and my husband's overall remoteness and anger to "cultural misunderstandings."
He understood their goals were different than his own, but the ongoing civil strife in Bosnia had given him a handle on his new campaign.
Elara is a peculiar figure in the history of Sri Lanka and one with particular resonance given the ongoing ethnic strife in the country.
The ongoing strife is often categorized as a sub-conflict in the greater Global War on Terror.
Liz added that whatever instability was introduced by his departure was less dangerous than the ongoing strife between him and his wife.
Due to ongoing marital strife, Anastasio commenced a relationship with a mistress, Dinorah Sampson.
As a way of ending the ongoing strife between the two companies, the HBC and the North West Company merged in 1821.