The ongoing uncertainty surrounding the true economic value of PLS will continue to raise safety and soundness concerns.
The ongoing uncertainty of future tax rates and provisions, along with aggressive federal overspending, has negatively impacted the ability of the economy to rebound.
However, ongoing uncertainties in the political arena, and a resulting lack of interest from investors has meant that the Inga dam's potential has been limited.
This perennial tweaking of the scoring formula was a source of ongoing uncertainty to the World Cup racers and to fans.
The ongoing uncertainties over both the UK and global economy will be one of the big themes of 2012.
Several of these have been placed in the Terebellida suborder, though often only tentatively so, owing to the ongoing uncertainties about polychaete phylogeny.
The ongoing uncertainty surrounding the euro-zone crisis means that companies are likely to remain cautious about hiring and more certain about firing.
Many analysts believe that the ongoing economic uncertainties mean the price will keep climbing, albeit with further swings expected.
After Kamsky won the World Cup, there was ongoing uncertainty about the location for the Challenger match.
Because of ongoing taxonomic uncertainty this species is considered to be data deficient.