In November 1848, the king called him to Berlin to be Prussian prime minister, signaling the king's intention to quell the ongoing uprising.
Kafr Laha has been the site of demonstrations against the Assad government during the ongoing Syrian uprising which began in 2011.
He was killed on 11 January 2012 while covering the ongoing Syrian uprising in Homs, Syria.
Because of an ongoing 2011-2012 uprising in Syria (now turned into a civil war), there were concerns about Syria's participation to the Olympic games.
Despite the ongoing uprising and reactions that continued to cause violence, other poll related violence included at least two attacks near polling stations prior to the vote.
During the ongoing Syrian uprising, inhabitants of Tafas joined the demonstrations and several people were killed by security forces.
To subdue the ongoing Indian uprising, he led a force of nearly 1,500 militiamen and regular British soldiers from the fort into the Ohio Country.
In a statement which was read at the Congress of Soviets they referred to the ongoing uprising as a 'military plot'.
Mare' has been affected by the ongoing Syrian uprising against the government of Bashar al-Assad.
The village was the site of the al-Buwaida al-Sharqiya massacre in May 2012, during the ongoing Syrian uprising.