This Bill supports these important not-for-profit groups to promote their ongoing viability.
Nonetheless, many users remain quite skeptical about the future of the site as well as its ongoing viability from an SEO perspective.
On 14 February 2008, the Federal Labor Government appointed Bracks to head an inquiry into the ongoing viability of the Australian car industry.
The failed takeover bid caused concern amongst shareholders as to the ongoing viability of the Qantas board, which had recommended that shareholders accept the offer.
But he added, "Many realized the bankruptcy was necessary to preserve their equity and are optimistic of the co-op's ongoing financial viability."
The appropriate measure of a business's ongoing viability is operating income, which excludes these items.
A slow down in business at the Chicago Theatre, caused by economic and social changes during the 1970s, whilst it was owned by Plitt Theatres, affected ongoing viability.
As big-budget Hollywood movies further usurped traditional low-rent genres, the ongoing viability of the familiar brand of B movie was in grave doubt.
Industry provides roughly a third of employment in the EU, which is why it is so vital that we ensure its ongoing viability.
Robert B. Palmer, Digital's chairman, said: "With this combination, we can put all the questions that have dogged us about our ongoing viability out of our customers' minds.