Bear facts: online activism has enabled Russian people to share their discontent and organise effectively offline (picture by Niyaz Karim)
While real politics is always about direct interaction with people, online activism has enabled people to share their discontent and organise effectively offline.
For the politicians, YearlyKos would seem to put online activism into a familiar rubric.
The decision to not release it was seen as a victory for online activism.
In addition, a good number of people are beginning to participate in online activism.
This workshop discussed the good and bad points about online activism, organising, and educating.
Here, James Rogan and Phil Craig examine how online activism shaped the 2006 midterm elections.
Author Sandor Vegh divides online activism into three main categories: Awareness/advocacy, organization/mobilization, and action/reaction.
Scholars are divided as to whether the Internet will increase or decrease political participation, including online activism.
He added, "The single biggest funder of circumvention tools has been and remains the U.S. government, precisely because of the role the tools play in online activism.