United is introducing a series of customer-service efforts, like online check-in and self check-in stations at its airports.
Additionally, Tripit provides buttons for online check-in for your flights, so you no longer have to fish around to get to the right site.
In August, the company announced it would start charging passengers to check in at the airport, therefore reversing its policy of paying for online check-in.
Hilton is also testing online check-in, now available only to elite members of its HHonors program.
Northwest will give you 1,000 miles for an online check-in through the end of August.
This 24-hour concierge service hands out large-scale city maps, books shows and excursions, arranges online check-in and offers much more.
Some other important tips: - Use online check-in at your airlines website.
Furthermore, online check-in for a flight is often available earlier than its in-person counterpart.
Ryanair charges passengers a fee which can amount to 60 Euros for not using online check-in, except in certain limited circumstances.
Alaska Airlines was the first to offer online check-in.