Having sunk to its nadir on Wednesday, the online grocer's shares leapt 6.15 to 59p.
Webvan, an online grocer that operated on a "credit and delivery" system; the original company went bankrupt in 2001.
How is the online grocer doing a year on from its 'hairy' flotation.
As I discovered, none of the these online grocers offered local delivery in my neighborhood on Long Island.
And mail-order online grocers may not offer generic and store brands.
These online grocers usually offer a large or national delivery area.
So far, few online grocers have even come close to breaking even.
But in the last several months, online grocers have increasingly come under attack over their continuing losses.
As a counterexample, she cited Webvan, the online grocer that shut down earlier this month.
This time, however, the online grocer is likely to have the name of the local supermarket.