As an online storefront, Music Forte appeared to have trouble in its previous history.
The online storefront has since undergone two complete makeovers, although the results of the makeover have not been critiqued or documented.
Developers will be able to create a "Pub" (online storefront) to sell their games and apps.
Klarna is a Swedish-based e-commerce company that provides payment solutions for online storefronts.
A common offering from print houses is public or private online storefronts or catalogues.
Corporations have begun to recognize the Internet's potential to facilitate the tailoring of the online storefront to each individual customer.
Besides the online storefront, items from the store can be ordered by phone.
Although this is the first official DLC, extra additional content can also be purchased via online storefronts.
With the ubiquity of online shopping these days, just about anyone can easily set up an online storefront and begin selling almost immediately.
Should I build my own online storefront or use a service?