Amparo Muñoz is the first and still the only Spaniard to ever win the Miss Universe title.
The only other Spaniard to prevail here was Manuel Santana, who won at the expense of Dennis Ralston in 1966.
He is the only Spaniard in the Hall.
Between 1913 and 1931 he was the only Spaniard to have an architect studio registered in the city; Lafuente collaborated with several contemporary architects.
He is also the only Spaniard who was appointed to the highest court under American rule.
He was the only Spaniard at the competition who had not competed at the 2010 Winter Paralympics.
Dona Stefania," said the Queen to one of her women, the only Spaniard whom she had retained, "go seek the captain of the guards.
These were the only Spaniards I actually saw fall to aimed shots by any one of my men, with the exception of two guerillas in trees.
There were three of us - I think it was three, but I was the only Spaniard.
The trial, which is expected to last until July, opened with the questioning of Luis José Galán, the only Spaniard among the defendants.