She is the only battleship whose sinking was filmed during World War I.
The Iowa class were the only battleships with the speed required for post-war operations based around fast aircraft carrier task forces.
It is the Space Center's only battleship and most advanced simulator.
Fusō was the only Japanese battleship to mount radar on her funnel.
She was the only Petropavlovsk-class battleship to survive the war.
"I think they didn't want word to get out that a kid was fixing the engines of our only battleship."
As a result, she was the only battleship actively serving with the fleet that missed the largest naval battle of the war.
Dreadnought thus became the only battleship ever to sink a submarine.
For many years, she was the only battleship and the most powerful unit of the Spanish Navy.
This made them the only Japanese battleships fully suited to operations alongside fast carriers.