The only blip that turned up was an absence more than a presence.
The only blip in the otherwise flawless day was Kevin's mood.
Two replacement games during the 1987 strike are the only blips on Denver's attendance screen.
A 0-4 drubbing by Metalist was the only real blip on his seasons performance.
However the only blips on their impressive home record have come in 2001, 2007 & 2009 when Vancouver's Ladies were victorious.
The only blip on the company's financial radar, in fact, was a slightly lower-than-expected gross margin of 55.4 percent.
The only blip against the 24-year-old Haas came in the third set.
The hit on Gannon was the only blip on what has been a tremendous season for the quarterback.
The only blips on the screen of progress were the result of things outside his control.
It was the only blip on their screen, and they watched with rapt attention.