It is the only Italian breed to be officially denominated a pony.
And, to be fair, they're not the only breed of restaurants to traffic in emulation.
It is the only breed known to have been specifically bred for hunting large felines.
It can be said, in other words, that the warriors were the only breed "democratic" among the Chibcha.
However, it is not the only breed that can produce polycerate or piebald offspring.
The Scottie is the only breed of dog that has lived in the White House more than three times.
They are the only breed of angora rabbit that can't shed its coat, and therefore must be sheared.
In France, the Persian is the only breed whose registration declined between 2003 and 2007, dropping by more than a quarter.
The Samoyed, however is not the only breed of dog to suffer from life threatening renal diseases.