It is the only camp where a ball club is the owner, not a tenant.
It was the only camp that was opened to United Nations workers during the war.
"This is the only camp of its kind in New York State," he said.
We'll make them believe that this is the only camp we have.
It is the only camp on the property that has a dining hall to serve meals to the campers.
Mosney is the only camp that has changed little since it was opened.
It is the state's only recreational camp exclusively for visually impaired children.
It is one of the only camps in Connecticut run by a professional basketball player that seek to offer more than an athletic playground.
Since the whole thing will be blown up in another day, I guess I can tell you it's the only camp we have.
"This is the only camp I can send him to that I know when he comes back, he'll be okay."