No, I respect dragons as opponents, but the only really good dragon is a dead one.
No explanation is given on why he is the only dragon to have such a feature.
From our initial contact a thousand years ago through today, I am the only dragon to be permitted this duty.
Some say the only dragon ever seen was by a mage having a bad dream on the Luxour.
"Then it's just as well that you're the only dragon who'll listen to fire-lizards, isn't it?"
Rage/Titan is the only dragon to be fought in 2 different chapters.
I believe he is the only dragon to possess some black beryls.
Sabrino's was not the only dragon falling out of the sky.
Morrogh is the only dragon who is compatible with all skills (except for speed).
The only dragons who would have opposed her were no longer with the Kin, anyway.