The massive prewar tub and fixtures in the bathroom (all rooms have private baths) were the only holdovers from the original house.
Buckwheat remained in the cast until the end of the series as the only holdover from the Roach era.
Ted Green, 62, will most likely be the only holdover from Ron Low's staff.
Ms. Chen, the only holdover from the show's previous format, in which she was news anchor, is asked how she views her role.
The show's real star, however, is Ms. Dharker, the only holdover from London among the leading players.
Smith, the only holdover from the old WBMG, left the station after a few months.
"I was thinking it has to get worse before it gets better," said Wright, the only holdover from the 1998-99 squad.
The only holdover from Dallas Green's staff in 1989, he was fired after the 1990 season as pitching coach.
He is the only holdover from Michael's criminal operations who is still close to Michael.
The only holdover from the first Bush administration's land of "us" is Colin Powell.