The only imperfection was the slash of the twin contrails of a jet long out of the picture.
His idiom was too studied, but this was almost the only imperfection in his English.
It was the only imperfection he could see.
The only imperfection in the movement was one slight clink.
The only imperfection was a slanting scar that sliced through her right eyebrow, leaving a thin white line through the dark hairs.
Culver scored from there for a 19-0 lead, the only imperfections to that point being a missed extra point and an unsuccessful 2-point conversion attempt.
The only imperfection in the coach's ride to No. 200, whenever it comes, is that his wife Sue will not be along.
The only imperfection I spotted was a sprinkling of dandruff across his collar.
His only imperfection was the uncontrollable snot that would come every once in a while.
It was pure white, a solid white background against which Jazz and Vyotsky formed the only imperfections.