It was a poor substitute for tea, but it was the only indulgence left to him.
Those are the only indulgences he has allowed himself, though he and his wife plan someday to build a house on the island.
His only indulgences were playing carom, badminton, and flying kites.
An expensive juicer was the only personal indulgence.
His only indulgence will be to finally go to the track.
Having just discovered a way to cook soft-shelled crabs without butter, the only indulgence now is the price, not the fat.
Their only indulgence is a long call to Jamaica now and then when they feel homesick.
What the hell, she's my only indulgence - and she'll be gone soon enough.
The only real indulgence he'd craved was a retreat where he could escape to write when the book was going through that difficult middle period.
My wife's only indulgences are her love of coffee and her occasional visit to the spa.