Elarton, who had a 17-7 record last season but 4-8 this, will be the only major leaguer the Rockies receive.
He is believed to be the only major leaguer with a quotation from Albert Einstein hanging in his locker.
Groth was one of them, and was the only minor leaguer to hold out.
Williams joins Babe Ruth as the only major leaguers to collect 2,000 walks.
As the only former major leaguer among the seniors, does he feel pressure?
He is surely the only minor leaguer whose flub in an intrasquad game was featured on the evening news last month.
Brosius was also the only major leaguer to hit 19 home runs and drive in 98 runs in 1998.
Demeter holds the bizarre distinction of being the only major leaguer on record to field an apple.
Jones may be the only major leaguer who grew up and decided he wanted to be a sportswriter.
He is the only former major leaguer in Congress.