Now the only maker of the technology, a Minneapolis company, sells it primarily to Switzerland, where taggants have been required by law for 12 years.
The plant, 16 miles northwest of Denver, is the nation's only maker of plutonium triggers for nuclear weapons.
For all of Balanchine's genius, he was hardly the only admirable ballet maker of the last century.
Ford is not the only maker contemplating a small car.
Landis & Gyr is not the only maker of coinless telephones.
The Soviet Government is the only domestic maker of blades.
A sovereign government is the only maker of laws in the land, water or air where international law says it is sovereign.
Olympus is the only maker to acknowledge this shortcoming.
Mercedes was by no means the only maker to offer fitted luggage.
Curiously, it is the only maker to offer its entire catalogue in Mexico.