Another slave and I were the only others in the dining room at that time.
The only others present, he said, were workers to load the money and the drivers of the trucks.
Except for the contents of the stone bed and the cauldron, the only others found came from the kitchen.
The only others present were drinkers, and most of them at distant tables, since Jack had deliberately chosen one in the back.
The only others in the room were an elderly couple at a table in the corner near the fire.
Trinket escorted the man to the back, where the only others present were Triads.
Sam and Eric, the only others who have remained with Ralph, go along.
And here, at the very start, you are about to put me into quarters with the only others of my kind in your company.
"Well, the only others are lost behind the mythical veils of antiquity."
The only others had been the two guards next to the rail tracks, but Katya's eyes were shut, playing dead.