When America is the world's only superpower, nothing threatens us directly.
But it seemed that the only true so-called superpower lay further to the north on this same land mass.
The United States was now left as the world's only superpower.
I think we will have a continuing responsibility as the only remaining superpower to stay involved.
Even for the world's only superpower, the ends don't always justify the means.
To be sure, he is still leader of the world's only superpower.
The "the world's only superpower" might have to check with the Chinese whether they'll pay the bills for the next war.
To have the world's only superpower at war with a men's club is a little ridiculous.
I am absolutely sure that everything now depends on what kind of answer comes from the only superpower in the world.
To be sure, we celebrate our position as "the world's only superpower."