Since the projection speed and the recording speed are the same, the images onscreen appear to move at normal speed.
Sisko touched his controls, throwing a tactical grid and projected-course lines across the onscreen images.
This film cemented the onscreen image of MGR as a social rebel and fighter for justice.
According to Land, there is some slight variation in the image onscreen, but "no development in the dramatic or musical sense."
Part of Laurel and Hardy's onscreen images called for their faces to be filmed flat, without any shadows or dramatic lighting.
Working ... The computer hummed quietly, and the image onscreen began to move again.
Crashing into each other, the image onscreen morphed into a dance, also called "Wonderyear."
His image, onscreen and off, was cheerfully wholesome, almost innocent.
Starkweather turned his attention back to the CEAO's onscreen image.
All the onscreen images look worried.