She sees the Buddha-nature as a metaphor for the potential in all beings to attain Buddhahood, rather than as an ontological reality.
Their opponents retorted that time per se cannot be perceived and that inference is the only means of our knowing time as an ontological reality.
'Crime has no ontological reality' - Crime is a construct and is based on social judgements.
The term God thus corresponds to an actual ontological reality, and is not merely a projection of the human psyche.
Ignorance is not an ontological reality but an epistemological phenomenon.
Society "constructs" its elements on the basis of ontological realities.
There is no ontological reality to crime.
The common thread between all forms of constructivism is that they do not focus on an ontological reality, but instead on the constructed reality.
Most Christians understand the soul as an ontological reality distinct from, yet integrally connected with, the body.
It is important that such ideas are understood as socio-cultural developments and not as ontological realities.