Bragă is an opaque beige or light brown liquid that to some may taste like beer.
This compound is an opaque dark blood-red liquid at room temperature and pressure.
The wheel trucks were underwater, giving the illusion that the transit cars were floating on the surface of the opaque liquid.
Mercury is a dense, opaque, metallic gray liquid.
Beer bottles on the window sill with cigarette butts floating in opaque liquid.
Just as Brian handed him a mug with an opaque black liquid, he knew the Rowan was in the room.
By Christmas Day he had twenty-four little medicine bottles filled with a pale opaque liquid.
Regular paint is another example of an opaque liquid that comes in a lot of colors, but is not usually clear.
The sea was dyed red, and through the opaque liquid I could distinguish nothing more.
As an opaque liquid with a high density and a nearly linear thermal expansion, it is ideal for this role.