It is open Sundays in the warmer months; an admission fee is charged.
They should be open Sundays for anyone who wishes to worship in a Christian church.
The store, closed Saturdays, open Sundays, is geared to people who drop by regularly just to see what's cheap.
In wintertime it is open Sundays from 14:00-16:00.
Not surprisingly, many of the 150 stores in the city now open Sundays are in places where weekend shopping options abound.
And the gates should be open Sundays for anyone who wishes to walk through the community, regardless of race, creed or color.
The building is open certain Sundays and displays the desks, slates and books the children used.
Only a few big stores, such as the giant Stockmann, open Sundays.
The museum is located at 575 Middle Road and is open several Sundays a year.
There is a tourist information office, and a filling station (not open Sundays or public holidays).