Holy Land opened amid heavy security and a barrage of television news crews - not so different from its prototype, after all.
Thus he would know if the mouth of a volcano really opened amid the mighty rocks.
The art gallery opened amid concerns of whether an art gallery was what the neighborhood needed.
I was sitting on my bed when the cell door opened amid a rattle of shackles.
Oil opened lower amid perceptions that the ground war was going well for the forces allied against Iraq.
The bridge opened on June 21, 1930, amid much celebration.
Jacana station opened on 15 February 1959, amid residential subdivision of the area.
He turned out the single light and opened the barrier amid darkness.
The 150-ton theatre structure opened in 1976 at a cost of £1 million amid some scepticism from Mancunians.
Every week new and elegant shops opened amid the throng.