The arena opened in 1967 as a replacement for Lambert Fieldhouse.
The stadium opened in 1922 as a replacement for Ohio Field and had a seating capacity of 66,210.
The facility opened in March 1995 as a replacement for a since-demolished 1950s era station.
It opened January 13, 1963 as a replacement for a series of sidewalk bus loading areas that existed between 166th and 167th streets further south.
It opened in 1938 as a replacement for the Winnipauk School.
The bridge opened on June 23, 2003 as a replacement for 4-lane drawbridge.
It opened in its present form in 2008 as a replacement to the last bus station which closed to make way for Union Square.
It opened in 1861 as a replacement for the University's old observatory at Rundetårn.
The current building includes the one that opened as a replacement in 1909.
It was not until 1859 that a proper iron bridge was opened as a replacement.