At daybreak on the 23rd, Blunt opened the battle by sending Jennison and Ford over an icy Brush Creek with their skirmishers.
But the fund opened negotiations with Moscow this week by sending the Yeltsin Government a confidential letter listing steps it would like Russia to take, Russian officials said.
After the quick hits in the first, Jeter opened the third by swinging at the first pitch and sending it over the left-field fence.
The King opened peacefully by sending the diplomat Laski to Kalmar for negotiations.
The two institutions opened their campaign against the proposed cuts by sending their chancellors to Albany to testify in January.
Gen. Bruce opened the drive on Palompon by sending the 2nd and 3rd Battalions, 305th Infantry, with armor support, west along the road on the morning of 22 December.
Angira opened its door a little bit by sending the prince to the Federation for his education.
Fateh Khan opened the battle by sending his Ghazis on a cavalry charge which was repulsed by heavy fire from the Sikh artillery.
He still denied that the investigators were behind the articles, but he acknowledged opening a Pandora's box by sending them to Alabama.
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