Kids both big and small will enjoy riding up the mountainside in an open cart tugged by a giant tractor.
No one goes anywhere except the man with an ox and an open cart.
Once again he rode in an open cart down a cobbled Indigene road.
On the same day, her hair was cut off and she was driven through Paris in an open cart, wearing a plain white dress.
Behind the carnage was a rough, open cart, also without wheels.
Two men pitched hay from an open cart into a pen containing a handful of cattle.
When Jamie returned, the driver was hitching up a horse to the open cart.
And now, after a ride in an open cart, she was hurrying across the compound, toward the glare of light that surrounded the booster.
The criminals were brought from the Board of Punishments in open carts.
He had watched Jeopardy's high-born women being bundled into an open cart.