Ashtrays sprouted from the furniture like mushrooms and an open carton of Kent 100s sat on the coffee table.
Behind him was an open carton full of dozens of identical packages.
On the table were a half-dozen open cartons of Chinese food.
He was bent over the open carton, shaking his head, studying the shattered contents of the box.
Ollie had opened his knife, a good heavy job made for slitting open cartons.
He glanced at the open carton in front of me.
More commonly, guards have asked passengers to sip drinks, unwrap sandwiches and open cartons to prove their contents are harmless.
Automatic teller machine replaced with fat guy with open carton of $20 bills.
He replaced the open carton in his bag and they started on their way again at a much faster pace as Henan now lay downhill.
He unzipped the side pocket of his two-suiter and removed the open carton of Kents.