Shadow, like the others, kept away from the more open clearings.
I circled slowly around the open clearing, then picked up the trail again on the other side.
Sweat was running down his face again, and it wasn't from the blazing heat of the open clearing.
We'd materialised standing among the trees at the edge of a great forest, looking out over a huge open clearing.
It was a narrow but distinct trail, coming in from the left, going off to the right, across the open clearing.
It can also be found in recently cleared areas such as the dry, open clearings around power lines.
So rather than say the wrong thing, he just nodded and turned away to survey the great open clearing before him.
He was standing in an open clearing, trying to find it again, when he heard someone call.
From the parking area walk East along a gravel woods road into an open clearing.
They came to a stretch of open clearing and were able to run.