Then I was in an area of open fissures, gaps too wide for the snow to bridge.
For hours the artillery attack continued, relentless, pounding, each stone driving into the granite-hard walls, forcing open fissures and cracks, toppling battlements--yet still the walls held, still the massive gates remained closed.
A chisel head (pictured), which is shaped like a chisel, is useful for clearing covering vegetation from exposures and is sometimes (though inadvisedly) used to pry open fissures.
Cracks became open fissures then gaping holes allowing water to gush through, flooding entire galleries before cascading down through vent and lift shafts, escalator and service tunnels to the levels below.
The company's location is a wide area of open, rolling countryside, parched grassland dissected by open dry fissures.
I reached the open fissure I had seen, squeezed inside, forced my way back between close walls.
Bazo dropped the stone into the leather pouch at his waist and scrambled up out of the open fissure.
This action has taken place in open fissures; under water in fissures on the bed of the sea or other bodes of water; and also far below the surface of the earth in consolidated rocks.
But trying not to have bowel movements will only increase constipation and create a cycle that keeps the fissure open and painful.
The cracks were open fissures leading straight down into the chamber behind Shaka Obre's wards.