His weight pulled the bed down as he climbed up to kneel between her open legs.
She heard him kneel between her open legs.
Gavin eased himself up and rolled between her open legs.
Ho, the leader, steps between her open legs, she hears the whisper of his zipper in the dark.
How long before you find yourself on your back, legs open for someone else to take his pleasure?
He stood at the foot of the bed between Stephanie's open legs.
She returned seconds later and this time, with no hesitation, knelt on the thick carpet in front of Stephanie's open legs.
The bottom half lay in the weeds a few feet away from the top, legs wide open.
The blonde was sitting with her legs wide open in front of them, undoing Jason's pants.
In one case, amusingly, he sends male dancers leaping over the women's open legs.