During the 1980's, 350 foreign and many out-of-state financial institutions opened regional operations here.
But according to the director of our Tokyo office, one Japanese manufacturer a week is deciding to open operations in California.
Since then, it has opened operations in North America.
The Kemper site is planned to be constructed in 2012 and to open operations in 2013.
Apple will open new Mexican operations, providing sales, marketing and support to local affiliates.
Still, despite opposition to the project, Metro Enviro opened operations earlier this summer.
Ireland's prime minister is coming to the United States to urge companies to open operations in his country.
However, after Allergan left no other private industry has opened operations in Hormigueros.
Mr. Fabiani said a number of large companies had already offered to open new factories or other operations in the area to create jobs.
Multinational oil and mining companies opened new operations in Indonesia.